Authority: High Court
Jurisdiction: Tanzania
Relevant law: Article 16(1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania
Type: Violation
Outcome: Violation
Started: N/A
Decided: 27 March 2019
Published: N/A
Fine: TZS 50 million
Parties: Deogras John Marando vs. Managing Director, Tanzania Beijing Huayuan Security Guard Service Company Ltd
Case No./Parties: Civil Appeal 110 of 2018
Appeal: N/A
Original Source: High Court - Commercial Division
Original contributor: MZIZI Africa


  1. Summary
    1. Facts
    2. Holding
  2. Comment
  3. Further resources
  4. Decision


The High Court held the Tanzania Beijing Huayuan Security Guard Service Company Ltd (the “Respondent”) liable for infringing on the rights of Deogras John Marando (the “Appellant”) when it used the Appellant's image in promotional material without his permission.


Deogras John Marando (the “Appellant”) was an employee of Tanzania Beijing Huayuan Security Guard Service Company Ltd (the “Respondent”). The Respondent used the Appellant's images in promotional material and declined to stop doing so even after the Appellant left its employment and notwithstanding his requests for the company to stop doing so.

He filed a matter in the lower courts alleging a violation of his rights to privacy and seeking compensation which suit dismissed his suit on the basis that he was the Respondent's employee, and that he was compensated for the use of the photos through his salary. The court also held that he had not proved the commercial benefit derived by the Respondent by their use of his photos. Feeling aggrieved by that decision, he appealed to the High court.


The High Court agreed with the Appellant.

The court affirmed that the Respondent ought to have obtained the consent of the Appellant prior to publishing his image and in failing to do so breached the Respondent's image rights/ right to privacy. In reaching this decision, the court noted that the images were used for commercial purposes (gain) noting in dicta, that the Appellant was not even its employee at the time. The High Court awarded the Appellant TZS 50 million as general damages


The original case was instituted in 2018 before the Tanzania Personal Data Protection Act, 2022 was passed in 1 November 2022.

Further resources



Deogras John Marando vs Managing Director Tanzania Beijing Huayuan Security Guard Service Co Ltd (Civil Appeal 110 of 2018) 2020 TZHC 1992 (27 March 2020).pdf